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Pokémon Crystal Info

Pokémon Crystal is the latest Pokémon GB game to come out of Japan. What is basically is is the "Yellow" to Pokémon Gold & Silver, with additional features, like new characters, different Pokémon rotation, and.... a way to battle your friends over the phone! Huzzah!

All I have to show you is Pokémon Crystal info from PA!'s Affiliate, Pokémon Forever (THANKS!). But considering that very little of the big sites have it, I'd thought I'd share it with you and beat everyone to the punch! Well... not everyone, I mean PF had it before me.. :P

Wheee! Let's see what we've got:

Crystal Info
Crystal Rumors Debunked/Confirmed
Crystal Screenshots (Brought to you by Pokémon Forever.)

Pokemontop50 New Code Pokemon Top 40 Site List (New)

Text and Information © 1999-2000 by Philippe Van Lieu and/or respectable partners.
This website is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK, or Wizards of the Coast.